Keeping Well Through Winter
We’ve been bombarded with a lot of information regarding how to keep healthy and avoid catching any form of flu in the last 18 months, which at times can be overwhelming and conflicting. However, our health is our most precious asset and beating the winter bug season is more important than ever this year so we can make up for lost time.
We’ve put together a handy little guide on how to keep thriving throughout the season, every year…
1. Super Supplements
Boost your immunity with these super supplements that are packed with nutrients that build your body’s resilience:
2. Gut Health
A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep, and effective digestion, and can help to prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases.
3. Keep Hydrated
Staying hydrated helps keep the mucus membranes of your nasal passages moist so they can catch viral invaders before entering your body. You should be drinking at least 2 litres of water each day (8 x 8 ounce glasses).
Botanical water enhancers – to enhance the experience of hydration whilst delivering distinctive flavours and aromas
4. Keep Calm
The body is much more vulnerable to winter bugs when it is under stress – mental or physical- which hugely compromises our immunity. Make sure to allow for time to rest, relax and reset to combat stress and keep in good health.
5. Sleep Glorious Sleep
Sleep provides essential support to the immune system. Getting sufficient hours of high-quality sleep enables a well-balanced immune defence that features strong innate and adaptive immunity, efficient response to vaccines, and less severe allergic reactions.