6 Fashion Books You Need to Read

fashion books
Whether you work in the industry or not, or are currently studying fashion, it doesn’t matter because these are the books you need to pick up if you’re even remotely interested in the unique world that is fashion. From gaining insight in to the life of an editor-in-chief to understanding everything from fashion sustainability, merchandising and even fashions visionary and exquisite history, these are the must-have reads that are essential for the bookcase.
inside vogue
Inside Vogue
By Alexandra Shulman
Ever wondered what it’s like to work inside the offices of Vogue? Well, with this book you can wonder no more as Alexandra Shulman, who was Editor-in-Chief of Vogue until 2017, conveys the life inside the magazine through her diary. An honest account of creating the 100th anniversary issue (you know, the one with the Duchess of Cambridge on the cover), Shulman takes us with her on the journey from prepping everything to the Vogue Festival, to arranging a celeb-packed photo shoot, and dealing with a home that somehow always needs a little TLC.
the vanity fair
The Vanity Fair Diaries 
By Tina Brown
Let Tina Brown, previous editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair magazine; take you on her intimate journey of the job from 1983 to 1992. Allow the glitz and glam of the eighties be portrayed through Brown’s eyes and discover the rivalries that unfolded in the competitive times of the New York magazine industry, and how Conde Nast strived to make Vanity Fair survive. Get the inside scoop of the most memorable covers from Demi Moore to Princess Diana, as well as Brown’s home life and what it meant to be a mother, wife and driving force of one of fashions biggest magazines. 
fashion trend forecasting
Fashion Trend Forecasting 
By Gwyneth Holland and Rae Jones
If you’re interested in the creative world that is trend forecasting then this up-to-date book is the one for you. Let Holland and Jones teach you the fundamental skills it takes to be a forecaster from initial inspiration to complete vision and idea to real product.  Learn how companies use trends, the cycle of a trend and influences that shapes what we see as a trend. If you’re a student or industry professional this is one buy you won’t regret. 
is fashion wearing out the world
To Die For: Is Fashion Wearing Out the World
By Lucy Siegle
Sustainability and fashion have become more interconnected than ever before over this past year, but do you want to know what really goes on behind the scenes of what you see in store? Discover the impact clothing has on developing countries, nature and businesses to make the garment you covet or throw away after one wear with Siegle’s eye-opening book. Read through facts, figures and first-hand experiences to understand the world of fast-fashion and how it’s become the new norm of shopping. 
history of modern fashion
The History of Modern Fashion 
By Daniel James Cole and Nancy Deihl
Fashion is ever changing, but it always remains a defining aesthetic to who we are, and with this picturesque book you can explore how social and cultural fashion has changed from the1800s right through to today. Fashion historians Cole and Deihl look at the revolution of fashion through new technologies and materials, to its connection with arts and popular culture and how this has shaped us. Witness through images from museum collections to editorial and advertising photography what fashion means to icons and us, the public and fashion lovers. 
visual merchandising
Visual Merchandising (third edition)
By Toby Morgan
Have you ever wondered about the world of visual merchandising? Ever questioned what it takes to merchandise a window display or retail store? Well, with this book you can easily to begin to understand this visionary of the fashion world. Let Morgan offer practical advice; reveal toolkit secrets, and how new technology is changing the face of fashion merchandising. Let the book excite and ignite your passion for window or in-store dressing, but also begin to understand the practicalities of the job and required skills.