Our Favourite DIY Ice Lolly Recipes for Summer


diy ice lollies
The first day of summer has passed and I don’t want to jinx it, but it’s starting to feel warmer. There’s nothing more satisfying on a glorious summers day than soaking up the sun with an ice lolly in hand. We are sharing our favourite homemade ice lolly recipes that are easy to make, delicious and perfect to take to all those BBQ’s you’ll be attending.

100g ginger nut biscuit
405g can light condensed milk
250g red berry, we used strawberries, raspberries and redcurrants
500g pot 0% fat natural Greek yogurt
250g purple berry, we used blueberries, blackberries and blackcurrants
You’ll also need:
8 paper cuts
8 wooden lolly sticks

1.Place the biscuits in a food processor and blitz into crumbs. Add 2 tbsp condensed milk and blend again until the crumbs start to clump together. Divide the biscuit crumbs between 8 paper cups, pressing down with the back of a spoon. Make sure you scrape out every last crumb, then you won’t have to wash the processor before the next step.
2.Roughly chop any large berries. Put half the red berries, half the remaining condensed milk, and half the yogurt in the food processor and blend until smooth. Remove the blade from the processor and stir through the remaining chopped red berries. Divide the mixture between 4 of the paper cups. Repeat with the purple berries and remaining ingredients.
3.Place a lolly stick into each cup, pushing down into the biscuit base to help it stand up straight. Freeze for at least 4 hrs before serving. To remove the lollies from the cups, tip upside down, and gentle squeeze the cup until the lolly slips out.
frozen berries and ginger nut yoghurt ice lollies

250g strawberries
100ml natural yogurt, or apple or orange juice
1 teaspoon honey

1.Whizz up 250g ripe strawberries, 100ml natural yoghurt (or apple or orange juice) and 1 teaspoon honey in a blender or food processor. Taste, and add a little more honey if you think you need to. Divide the strawberry mixture between 4 ice lolly moulds, then pop a stick into each one. Put the ice lollies in the freezer for at least 4 hours or until solid.
strawberry ice lollies

5 large carrots
Juice of 3 large oranges, zest of 1
1 satsuma, peeled then chopped (Optional)

1.Finely grate the carrots and place in the middle of a clean tea towel. Gather up the towel, and squeezed the carrot juice into a jug, discarding the pulp. Add the orange juice and top up with a little cold water if need to make up the 360ml liquid. Stir in the orange zest and satsuma pieces, if using. Pour into lolly moulds and freeze overnight.
sunshine lollies

2 parts Gin
8 parts Tonic allowed to go flat
Juice of 2 limes
Half a cucumber very thinly sliced

1.Please read the notes above about volume!
2.Mix the gin, tonic and lime juice.
3.Share between your moulds and pop a couple of slices of cucumber into each.
4.Free for at least 6 hours or overnight.
gin and tonic ice lollies