Barry's Bootcamp


barrys bootcampBarry’s Bootcamp’s legendary workouts are more in demand than ever, with fans doing anything and everything to jump the queue and snag a spot on the fitness front row. The rise of the It-class is forever growing with weight getting sweated, sprinted and weight-lifted into extinction. Claiming that their sessions can burn up to 1000 calories, Barry’s is definitely the place to be for all you fitness fanatics. 
 It’s difficult to overlook the buzz around Barry’s bootcamp. It’s popular, glitzy and David Beckham approved, which may make it seem overwhelming at a first glance but fear not because both celebrities and common folk alike do adore it. The workout is demanding but if you commit to putting your best effort in, it won’t matter if you're a fitness specialist or a newbie to the gym. 
Barry’s is a 45-minute, HIIT-style workout, interchanging between sets of strength workouts, such as dumbbells and ab workouts and treadmill sessions, such as sprints and incline runs. But don’t be disheartened by the lingo. High-intensity, dumbbells, bootcamp… they’re just words. Barry’s isn’t harder than what you can handle,  it does push you in a way other studios might not.
They also have everything from a glossy reservation system to flawlessly created classes. The place oozes LA vibes from its smoothie bar to lavish toiletries on tap. Barry’s Bootcamp is continuing to grow its brand, opening locations in San Diego and Dubai, proving that this brand is not just another health trend, it is a full on fitness movement.